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  • What Type of Face Mask is Best Suited to Your Skin?

    4 min read

    What Type of Face Mask is Best Suited to Your Skin?

    Finding the right skincare products can be a challenge. There are so many types of face masks lining the shelves of stores across the globe. Each claim to have different benefits, and of course, some are more affordable than others. Having so many factors to consider can make purchasing any skincare product quite difficult; however, your skin type should always be compatible with any product that you purchase. If you are unsure of what skin types are best suited for certain skincare products, here is everything you need to know:

    Brightening Face Masks

    Makeup can accomplish anything, even adding a refreshing glow along your face. Unfortunately, these effects are typically not permanent. Brightening face masks are just the solution for adding a long-lasting luminous effect to your skin. You may benefit from brightening masks if you have naturally dry skin or would like to correct an unbalanced skin tone. This type of face mask is generally created from substances, such as vitamin C, aloe vera, and turmeric. Ingredients such as these can also be useful in correcting pigmentation problems.

    Charcoal Face Masks

    A rising addition to the world of skincare, charcoal-infused products have become regular products in most households. A majority of charcoal face masks are marketed towards individuals with oily skin. Substances, such as charcoal and clay, have the natural ability to lift oils and dirt from the skin's pores. Charcoal masks should not leave your skin feeling excessively dry nor tight. It may feel this way while wearing the mask, but it will subside upon removal.

    Peel Face Masks

    Much like charcoal face masks, peel masks penetrate the surface of the skin to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells. While this face mask cannot cleanse or unclog pores, they are particularly useful in preventing acne or blemishes. When purchasing a peel face mask, it is important to carefully skim the list of ingredients for those that you cannot recognize. Peel face masks should not contain fragrances or skin irritants, as this may worsen existing skin conditions or create blemishes.

    Sheet Face Masks

    If you have ever wandered into the skincare section of a retail store, chances are that you have seen a few sheet face masks before. Sheet face masks are sheets of paper suspended in packaging containing liquid. The ingredients within this liquid vary per face mask but can be anything from rose water to hydrogels. After removing the sheet mask from the packaging, it must be left on the face for a period of time to allow the infused ingredients to penetrate the skin. Depending on the ingredients, sheet masks can have a variety of effects and are recommended for everyone.

    Here are a few common ingredients of sheet face masks that you may come across:


    • Glycerin:

      Glycerin is commonly used for sensitive or oily skin that is prone to acne. When used in a face mask, it removes dead skin cells from the surface, allowing a fresh layer to remain on your face. This ingredient is extremely useful in exfoliating or cleansing facial pores.
    • Hyaluronic Acid:

      Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally produced by the body. The main function of this substance is hydrating certain regions of your body, such as the eyes. As an ingredient of a face mask, this substance is especially beneficial for promoting hydrated, rejuvenated skin.
    • Vitamin C:

      We often receive a majority of our vitamin C requirements from citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons. Vitamin C, much like vitamin D has many benefits, including reducing skin inflammation and promoting an even skin tone. Many vitamin C masks are great for providing a refreshing, luminous glow to your skin. The Vitamin C Brightening Face Mask induces a natural radiance by reducing the appearance of acne scars and any signs of aging. Created from natural ingredients, this face mask is designed to revitalize your skin and provide a glowing complexion.
    • Antioxidants:

      Our environment is full of pollutants that can damage our skin. Antioxidants are particularly useful in protecting the skin from such harm. They can also maintain healthy and young skin with few consequences. Antioxidants are typically found in anti-aging facial care products, among many others. Examples of antioxidants that you may have in your face mask include vitamin C, carotenoids, green tea extract, and niacinamide. Various fruits are also rich in antioxidants and may be infused into your face mask to allow you to gain the full benefits of each ingredient.

    Sleep Face Masks

    Much like leave-in conditioners for hair, sleep face masks can be worn overnight and provide an extra boost of nourishment to your skin. When wearing a face mask, it is best to follow the recommended guidelines to prevent side effects. This includes wearing it for a set period of time and cleansing your face to remove any residual ingredients. On the other hand, sleep face masks are purposely designed to be worn overnight, as this gives the ingredients more time to act. Unlike other face masks, these products are also less wet and will not stain your bedding or pillows when worn. Overnight face masks are best suited to individuals with dry skin or anyone seeking a renewed look.